Poster of the Other Palace workshop production 2023 of The Strange Affair of Herschel Grynszpan. A photo of Herschel is lit by a spotlight with the silhouet of a cabaret dancer in the background.

The Strange Affair of Herschel Grynszpan

A cabaret-style musical, based on the true story of a teenage assassin.

It is 1938. A young Jewish refugee, Herschel Grynszpan, walks into the German embassy in Paris and shoots a German diplomat. He is arrested and spends the next four years in prison. When the Nazis march into Paris, they capture Herschel and send him to a camp in Berlin. Herschel has a choice: to be paraded in front of the world’s press as a celebrity scapegoat or to confess to the truth.

But Herschel has a more important story to tell. So far, he has only known prison and cabaret bars. And one love affair… with the enemy. Can he tell his story? Could this be the show-trial of his dreams? Or will the Third Reich try to bury the true facts to avoid a scandal at all costs?